Friday, May 7, 2010

Tonights gonna be a good night!!!!

As the record goes..... well it was a good day to be honest, just the thought of getting rid of the darned chemo line tomorrow really perked me up as did a few whiticisms this evening from betty the nanny (lumley apparently has paws but no legs and that said with major conviction and bobbi brown is the current prime minister, you get the gist, totally blonde comments), laughed so hard my stitches hurt! Even better i thrashed her and phil at cards and they'd better not try and say its because they were being nice to me or else!

So how was today? woke up from a bad, weird dream, something about running and running to prove to everyone i could cope with cancer and everyone was trying to catch me and tell me to stop, most bizarre and i was very glad to wake up from that one. Then a load of calls this morning interspersed with the electrician cutting off the power and a visit from JD. So lovely to see him now he's escaped the volcanic cloud. Mental note to self, must remember bacon and salted butter for next visit though.

Then felt hugely hugely sick, had to leave the room, just awful and really really didnt want to go to see Saint Luke, i hate him already and the burning of the botty routine. I'm always flashing my pants cos ive got nowhere to put my chemo bottle, oh well sure the cheap thrill is cheering up the old chaps in there.

Back home and had my granny nap as i'm going to call them from now on, i cannot actually survive the whole day without it, how unbelievable. Thankfully David turned up otherwise i probably would have slept until Dinner time. Had a lovely chat, more flowers, very very nice ones i might add which i gave a little charring to in the gazebo, more of that later.... Phil, David and I shared what might be called intimate stories but given my blog nobodys anything is very intimate and private any more. Its actually quite liberating though i must say, honestly everyone i meet has had something happen to them or have got something wrong with them.

Had yummy dinner and looked at my chemo bottle to see oh yippee, its nearly empty, god is that an exciting thought. Connor has school garden judging competition tomorrow afternoon and I can go and look almost normal for him as get rid of the line tomorrow lunchtime at the hospital, he and I are very very excited about that! Sunday he has a football tournament bless him, he's well into it. He announces he needs new shoes, of course he does, the really expensive cool blue ones. Well he is my son folks so what else would you expect!

Hubby is gazebo mad, trying to do new playlists except there dont seem to be many new songs bless him, he is so excited, buying lanterns and all sorts for it, it is uber cool (when you have the heater on but two bars does fry anything under it as we found out with the flowers ;-)

As you can tell very upbeat as i go to sleep tonight, i've got eastenders recorded to watch and the thought of hopefully not feeling sick tomorrow, when i see all my friends, to look forward to, what else could a girl wish for ;-)

Night Night all, I see my fan club growing every day, i cant believe all you lovely people reading and enjoying it and sending me such amazing messages but I'm so glad you do, obviously a closet writer in me trying to get out. I believe and hope its helping everyone understand how it feels just from one little persons perspective. Honestly i'm not a hero though, people say how do you deal with it, well the thing is you just do because you have to unless you stop breathing. Its all about attitude and if i'm negative i dont believe i will beat this thing, life is full of ups and downs its just that right now my ups and downs are around a lot simpler things and maybe that isn't such a bad thing. OK enough with the deep stuff i'm off to watch c**p eastenders now and if you want to know why, well hell my life could be as bad as one of theirs right......


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