Thursday, May 20, 2010

I love Aloe Vera!

Well its helping a little bit, thanks Yasmin for rushing out to buy for me and taking me to see St Luke today. I've been slathering on the aloe vera all afternoon, hoping for some relief, its the itching that is driving me really crazy and not really something one wants to be doing in public!, I think it helped a little bit, dont think the skin has actually broken yet but its got to be real close, determined to prove Dr Essapen wrong and not break by the weekend. I mean Doctors what do they know ;-)

Had dreadful nights sleep, my little monkey all arms and legs all over me but I wouldnt have him any other way, made me proud again today, been really cute writing extra stories to earn ticks at school and I just about managed to take him to swimming, felt such a big achievement, he really is very good and it was lovely to feel like I could do something useful, not sure how much longer that is going to last but every time i think its the last time I'll be able to do something I manage to squeeze out one more little thing in so who knows.

As of today I've stopped eating Dairy as really needed to do something about those darned immodium moments, so far so good but it never happens until late at night so there is still time! If it doesnt work I'm going to eat that whole dairy milk bar that kept on winking at me tonight, how come you always crave something when you've decided you're not going to eat it.

Tomorrow is the big half way mark, feels great but scary at the same time as the treatment intensifys and doubles after 17 treatments, they are quite cute, they dont tell you that it seems until further through.

Was talking to the radiologist and having read a few blogs it seems that as anal cancer is so rare hardly anyone is doing any research into it and this treatment I am having is really really antiquated. Guess what I will be raising money and awareness of in the future, well actually any cancer, how horrible is it, I dont like reading the stats about recurrence its just so mean and everyone you speak to has been touched pretty much in some way by cancer in some shape and form and continue to do so.

Anyway thanks to those that cheered me up by coming to see me today, JD, Jackie and Yasmin and thanks JD and Jackie for the lip gloss and nail polish and yas for more flowers, perfect pressies. Every day still a pressie day, yippee ;-)

Off for a kip now, still no immodium moment, although i fear one may be about to happen, keeping fingers and toes crossed for that one.

P.S. 20 days 13 hours 15 mins left


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