Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Not for Boys!

Good evening all,

Now if you are a boy reading this and you're the kind of bloke that just had to read this blog as soon as it said it wasn't for boys then you probably don't mind reading about girly stuff like facial hair, bikini waxes, lillets and the time of the month. if you are not that kind of boy then you might want to avoid the bit i've labelled in big letters - THE GIRLY BIT, dont say i didnt warn you, I mean I could leave it out or do two blogs but it wouldnt be me now would it ;-)

An eventful day all in all. Had to drop Connor to school as Phil had early meeting but was supposed to be at Guildford for 8.30 am remember to see the consultant, well needless to say we werent, traffic was horrendous and frankly i just couldnt be bothered to rush for a change. I know I should have but I just thought I was ok and needed to get some bits of school uniform for my giant of a son who had a fight with a tree and ripped a whole in his trackie bottoms and with outdoor adventures coming up on Friday we couldnt have that could we poor little lamb. Having been fleeced (get it) I dispensed with said stroppy lamb, why was he stroppy i hear you ask, because i wanted to ensure he got across the crossing without running into a car, or could have been anything right, boys honestly!

Off we trundled to Guildford, got told off for being late, she had to leave for her Clinic, sorry Dr Essapen! Dont know what was up with me this morning, just no sense of haste, I hate that feeling of being stressed when you are late and knew i would have been if i stopped to think about it as no way on earth i could have made it. Obviously should have arranged for someone else to take Connor but wasnt organised enough like i usually would be, hey ho need to sort that one for next tuesday as back to the same problem, i promised i wouldnt be late of course.

Anyway they still wanted their pound of flesh, well pint of blood actually but my bloods were good, booked reflexology lady (very nice) for next week. Spoke to Brigitte (top tipster lady who was there again), such a sweet lady, her horse got bumped but its running again this week, is it a good omen this time, probably will be now none of us are betting on her! Anyway yee hah I was free to go so off to Guildford for a little looksie, ok maybe a little bit more than looksie but nothing drastic. Bulgari Blv, limited edition l'eau ete, now there is a nice perfume, yummy, bought some of that so i can freshen up St Lukes. Smallest bottle, biggest packaging, cheeky so and so's!

11.45am - darn it cant be arsed to walk around with ironically slightly sore arse and other areas so we go for lunch. Only people in the place but seems nice enough. Now another one of my amusing stories, where do i find these people. The manager was definitely having a bad day, he'd only just opened and a policewoman walked in and wanted to talk to him about some girl that had been in his bar saturday night and been found unconscious, fallen in action in guildford without her shoes or coat or handbag. Girls how disgraceful we've never done anything like that have we ;-) Policewoman asks what his policy was ,how could he let a girl leave in the state she was in or serve her a drink. He tried to wriggle his way out but she had him on the hook, "how do you know she was here?" he says, "because my mate came and found her shoes, coat and handbag here when we found her later on" she says. Oh dear anyway he gets bored of trying to tell her how saintly they are and decides to flatter her by offering discount to her and her colleagues if they want to come in. I thought how shocking but the policewoman seems fine with it, so off she goes. Thats pretty uneventful in itself but just part of my story. Next thing some woman on her own comes and sits next to us, very important on the phone or earwigging our conversation all through our lunch and hers, nosey woman with the most hideous handbag i have ever seen. Eventually at the end she asks for the bill and says something stroppy to the waitress who gets the manager (told you he was having a bad day). Turns out she is the disgruntled mother of some girl that got sacked and so ensues an ever more heated conversation. (I'm loving this, got my own big earwig back on her) At which point the older lady sitting the other side asks them to go have the conversation somewhere else because shes just trying to eat her lunch! The disgruntled mummy then has a complete go at the old lady and strops off. Top Show. Oh my goodness better dash just realise my appointment is now in 15 mins time for Radiotherapy.

Boys look away now.....


Rush to the loo (i am wearing white trousers of course what else), what my time of the month, like clockwork, it just cant be, i sit there dazed I'm not supposed to get these things any more, i just had major surgery on them. My back has been hurting the last couple of days where my ovaries have been moved to I just didnt realise it was period pain, honestly god dont give me a sodding period now that was the only good bit about this whole stupid thing. Girls I have since had the most god awful heavy heavy thing and the pain, well its just bizarre, its under my ribs and in my back. Unbelievable, thank god for lillet machines that work for a change is all i can say and at least i havent got my best undies on (boys i told you not to read this bit). The thing is I am now starting to bleed all over, gums are bleeding and the last two days i've noticed a nose bleed, its not a big flood but every time i put a tissue to it its red. Maybe i should have spoken to Dr Essapen after all, oops. Oh well i feel ok and my bloods were still good and I ate loads and loads at lunch.

END OF GIRLIE BIT. Boys you are safe again.....

Dash in the door of radiotherapy smelling of eau d'pee or whatever, oh no thats st lukes not me, I smell of gorgeous Blv ;-) How late are they today i ask knowingly, they arent she said you're next, oh heck great big dash, in out in a flash and off home again. I was the chirpiest thing they'd seen all day i'm sure of it, think i should go out before radiotherapy more often!

Back home I cant even see my front door to get in, three more bunches of flowers (thank you so much Azlan, Sheila and Duncan and Sam! Amazing, I am officially a florist, if you ever dont have enough vases please do come and see me.

Boys, well they go to bed and watch Nottingham Forest against someone, think Blackpool, sorry Hubby not very good at the football lark and us girls well we watch the Biggest Loser Australia Final, unbelievable Bob lost over 50% of his body weight and looks amazing, they all do, major fake tan and white teeth going on. I know c**p program but i'm bored of watching the no called election, hoorah brown is finally out. Sorry if you like him, personally i dont but his speech was quite nice.

Never seem to get to the bottom of the email box although i've tried tonight, biggest loser is perfect backdrop you see because then we watch flash forward and i have to concentrate on the story and there arent quite as many emails getting done, awesome program, did i tell you that already ;-)

Of course couldnt go to sleep without writing my blog so hope you've enjoyed it although its been quite a long one. All in all a positive day although the sore thing is building, hold on tight it could have been worse if it had been later on in the treatment, sorry going back to girlie bit now so I'll say goodnight, sleep tight.

Lots of Love from a fairly chirpy

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