Sunday, May 23, 2010


Sorry no blog last night, I came over all poorly and had to go to bed (well not before rushing to loo of course, more big ouch!)

Didnt do a lot yesterday except test out whether my skin really was a lot more sensitive to the sun whilst having chemo! pleased to report I am goddamn lucky to have my olive skin and having come back from Dubai the skin held up well to a bit of blighty sun. Odd sort of tan though, a lot of me has to be covered up. Blooming gardeners turned up just as we got settled so we had fun shouting at each other and flashing bits at them accidentally (NOT). Hey ho at least the stripes are back it was beginning to look a bit like a recreation ground.

I watered all the garden, popped to the garden centre and made the dinner and I think just plain wore myself out, honestly how pathetic am I, how can I be superwoman and not still be able to do everything, I get so frustrated.

Hubby has promised to get the hot tub, not that I moaned at him for about half an hour yesterday, so I am off now, jump in the shower and drag him and connor off that darned game that is their life to the garden centre before feasting on the marlow's hospitality, yippee ;-)

Bit of sunshine sure makes you feel more upbeat, till later bloggers. Enjoy.


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