Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Rare Steak Anyone?

That's what the consultant says I need, lots of red meat, apparently if I get any more anaemic they wont be able to carry on treating me and I will need a blood transfusion. Nice! Told you I was feeling c**p, now I know why. White blood cells also low again, cant give me the nice little injections whilst on chemo so i get that to look foward to afterwards. So what did I get for my 5 hour round trip apart from a lot of waiting around and a sore arse! A whole bunch of drugs thats what, this is what i now have:

* Intrasite with morphine - to stick on the sore bits
* Ciprofloxacin - thats antibiotics for the infection inside
* Omeprazole - thats something to stop you getting a stomach ulcer from all the ibuprofen she wants me to ingest
* Oramorph - Neat morphine and if you dont like that you can have a little chaser of:
* Buccastem - Anti Sickness
* Metoclopramide - More Anti Sickness
* Dexamethasone - In case the other anti sickness stuff doesnt work
* Loperamide - For diarrhoea
* DulcoEase - For constipation (fat chance)
oh and some other spray for the front bit which i couldnt be arsed to wait for today so need to pick up tomorrow. And they wanted to give me some sleeping tablets but I said I can count tablets instead of sheep and get off that way.
Oh nearly forgot the bottle full of chemo...

What do you need to cheer you up after that little lot, yeah a good movie right, wrong, oh my goodness betty nightmare special, normally its a wrighty nightmare special but this one really was up there with the worst films of all time. "The Box", Cameron Diaz you should be ashamed of yourself, what a complete pile of poo.

Consolation, my boy did not reject me today, he actually wanted me to put him to bed, he kind of looked at the chemo, asked to see the bottle and then just got on with it. What a little star, I was dreading his reaction again after last time when he didnt really want to be near me. He still leans his top half away from me so as not to press against my chest but it was so nice to have a cuddle, he read really nicely to me (spongebob what else) and we had a giggle talking about girls. Apparently he cant wait until he's 18 so he can go out and all the girls will be chasing him, then cheeky monkey he said they were anyway! Cutie fell asleep in my arms love him. I mean I really really love him. Every emotion is magnified at the moment, so feel very up and down but I think a lot of that is just not feeling well and being tired too, i really cant sleep but hey ho it is 1am already so i really ought to try.

8 Days, 12 Hours and 5 Mins left, the end is almost in sight.


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