Sunday, April 25, 2010

The week ahead.....

Looms with uncertainty.

The 40th was lovely, Vicky looked amazing, kind of sad though, last night with hubby as the "old me" for a while. Then rushed around like a looney since then, had to drop hubby at airport on saturday morning (sad) then football, football and more football. Managed to sandwich in a visit to my lovely uncle and aunt in beautiful upper slaughter and a visit to my amazing friends (you know who you are but i dont want to embarrass you) who have even though they have a lot to deal with themselves been absolutely rocks for me.

Connor asked me if my cancer was catching but given i've had a cuddle or six since so i guess he did believe me when i said no ;-)

Been sorting my car out tonight as that goes tomorrow, cant believe i wont be driving after this week for a while but hey its going to be great to have something new to look forward to at the end of it.

Now its late and i'm feeling kind of lonely and rather nervous about the week ahead. Will I sort out my ovaries, will i get through the chemo conversation tomorrow or the hospital visits, will i win the blooming lottery, at least that might help!!!! Well you know what folks i will, felt very angry about certain people this weekend, namely my parents but you know what its so wasted on them that i've decided to take that energy and use it to get me through the next week so its actually probably quite a good thing.

So its goodnight from me, the close to an eventful week, i cant believe how much has changed but I think its probably going to change even more next week so better get used to it.

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