Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Another day in Paradise (yeah right make that Hospital!)

Bad day today so will be glad when its over, not slept well as this stupid thing in my chest hurts and cant bear to touch the skin. I look grotesque and it makes me want to cry especially when i know i'm going to have four new wounds to look at later so i'm trying really hard to be brave and not think about it, i'm saving my ovaries which is much more important right.

There is of course something good you can take out of every day, i have a gaggle of superwomen that want to come to the hospital with me, which makes me feel very special and hubby comes back later which is great but even better is hes got me lots of prezzies to cheer me up.

And best of all (well right now cos i'm thirsty) is that i just read my admittance letter and i cant have a drink after 8am when i thought it would be after midnight so betty has run off to make me a big mug of tea. Yippee!

I cant believe how many people are reading this but its really really nice to know you are, kind of comforting even though i know it must be distressing but honestly i'm still bearing up.

Write tomorrow when back from hospital hopefully.


  1. Tania my husband works with your husband and he passed your blog onto me. I look forward to reading your updates everyday. You truly are an inspiration and i am certain your sheer determination and the love and support of your family and friends will get you through this. Thank you for taking the time to update all your followers even though you must feel really sick somedays. Best wishes to you, Victoria

  2. thank you victoria, honestly just telling it how it is to get it off my chest as much as anything else but its really nice that other people are enjoying it (sounds a bit odd doesnt it but you know what i mean)and i know its really helping my friends understand how i feel and how to help me so thank you so much for posting your comment ;-)
